

Debunking Five Common Myths about the Great Wall of China

Debunking Five Common Myths about the Great Wall of China

Debunking Five Common Myths about the Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China stands as a testament to ancient engineering and human ingenuity. However, amidst its grandeur lies a tapestry of myths and misconceptions. Let's unravel five prevalent assumptions about this iconic structure with insights from John Mann, author of 'The Great Wall of China'.

Visibility from the Moon:

One of the enduring myths surrounding the Great Wall is its supposed visibility from the moon. This notion, popularized by Robert Ripley in the mid-20th century, lacks substantial evidence. Despite its allure, astronauts like Yang Liwai, during China's 2003 space mission, debunked this claim, confirming no such visibility from space.

Singular Structure:

Contrary to popular belief, the Great Wall is not a singular continuous structure. Instead, it comprises numerous sections, varying in condition and accessibility. While some segments captivate tourists with their splendor, others meander through remote wilderness, blending into the natural landscape.

Defense against Mongols:

It's a common misconception that the Great Wall was solely erected to repel Mongol invaders. In reality, its origins predate the Mongol conquest of China. Ordered by an ancient Chinese emperor around 210 BC, the wall initially aimed to thwart threats from the Xiongnu, potential precursors of the Huns.

Burial of Laborers:

Urban legends suggest that the bodies of laborers who built the Great Wall lie entombed within its structure. However, historical evidence fails to support such claims. While Sima Qian, a Han dynasty historian, criticized the Qin dynasty, alleging mistreatment of workers, archaeological findings refute any burial of laborers within the wall.

Marco Polo's Encounter:

Despite Marco Polo's extensive travels, he conspicuously omitted any mention of the Great Wall in his accounts of China. This absence raises questions about its relevance during his time, particularly under Mongol rule. Polo's silence on the wall suggests its diminished strategic significance by the late 13th century.

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In conclusion, the Great Wall of China remains a marvel of human endeavor, yet misconceptions cloud its historical significance. By dispelling these myths, we gain a clearer understanding of this architectural wonder and its place in history.

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